Words of Protest & Protection


We feel so much grief, frustration, and anger, and we know young people do, too, because we hear it in workshop.

We want the oppressive systems that create an unjust power structure for Black Americans, Indigenous Americans, and People of Color in this country to transform into systems that nourish and uplift all people.

Words make worlds. Words make change. Words can be medicine.

We want to amplify your thoughts and feelings. Submit your work about these issues and check the ‘Words of Protest and Protection’ box to be considered specifically for this section.

Fly but can’t fly

By Quinn, age 12

My mind
Refuses to
Move when I need to go
And leave this broken world behind
I need to fly and I
Need to breathe in
And live

When we
Say that all things
Have the ability
To live their fullest life and love
To the greatest extent
We forget the

Who try
To stay calm when
They feel their life is just
A never-ending fight with fate
And all they have ever
Wanted was to

We - Beatrice, age 12

As in the United States
of America believe

that all men are created equal

that this is the land of the free

that color doesn't matter

that we're all human

but tell me,

are there so many dead -

yes, dead -

of one color and not the other?

why is that?
i can tell you.

this is what comes from racism
in all shapes, forms, colors, whatever
is what racism is

why people are prejudiced against each other?
why we are inclined to hate?
i don't know.

but i also know that we can love
that we don't have to hate
that we can open our arms and accept
just the way they are.

so could we maybe try
and come together instead of pushing each other

Venturing Out - Paxton, age 16

In a pandemic.
In a time of political unrest.
In a turning point in history.

Driving into my own city,
Innocent businesses boarded up
For the fear of losing their livelihood,
Buildings tagged with profanity and graffiti.

Researching my own city,
Everywhere you look-
Historic places destroyed.
The Jefferson Hotel tagged.
A house burned, family inside.
Stores charred to a crisp.
Buses and cars torched.
Tear gas, rubber bullets flying,
Like a warzone.

Desecrated. Empty. Broken.

Deeply saddened by what we call
The land of the free
And the home of the brave.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
“All we’re saying is give peace a chance.”

People pushing, shoving, yelling-
Anything but peaceful.

How can we ask for peace
If we’re not giving peace?

But change needs to come.
It needs to,
And it will.

Rap of Greatness - Kelsea, age 11

Hope you're not in a hurry, I just had a little worry. 

See the pages in my history are getting kinda blurry. 

I remember being taught in school Confederate is bad,

Or they didn’t like all people or the color skin I have. 

So why are they up? I can't say this enough. 

I thought statues were up for people who showed greatness and love.

And they would not be racist, so we're supposed to forgive them and just let time fly?

When most of those people wanted my ancestors to die!

So please take them down with or without a fight.

America the free, now it just don't sound right.

I might can go as I please, but my people will never be in ease.

So listen or things will just get worst, listen to the people, yeah our future comes first.

This all comes from my heart, and you know just as I,

They don't deserve that statue but there are others who would stand up there and shine.

I'll go protest if it's sunny or wet, I just don’t want black people to be looked at as a threat! 

This is only a fraction of the things as people we are sure to face. 

And remember I’m 11, so young to notice and think.

So I'll just take a seat and protest peacefully, and make change no matter what problems we face!

America - Eva, age 12

To me, America means things wrong and things right
America means not perfect
America means red, white, and blue
America means cookouts and fireworks
America means we started with nothing
America means injustice
And the power to change it
(Although how much power do we actually have?)
America means stereotypes and the patriarchy
America means diversity, a sea of faces
America means people living on the streets,
Hopeful for coins,
And people in glamorous mansions,
Their daily lives broadcasted for our entertainment
America means nicotine swirling in the air, addiction
That pays for schools,
And pays
America means oppression
America means change, revolt
America means power to the people
America means exploding colors
America means hate
America means love
America means home